Thursday, September 10, 2009


I have to be at work in 30 minutes, so I'll be leaving in about 10 to 15. Thought I'd say something on here before I scoot off to the grind.

Love. It's a popular topic, because everyone has some interest in it one way or another. People talk about it in both extremes: To outright doubting its true existence to falling in love every two seconds. I had a revelation last night regarding myself and this mystical four letter word.

I have never been in love. I have loved, and I do love, but I have never been IN love. I've lusted, and I've been caught up in the moment, but I have never found myself feeling like I could and would to anything for another person, that that person was my missing puzzle piece. Or however being in love feels. Butterflies? Whatever, haven't felt it...

I've said "I Love You" and meant it, because I have loved people, but I've never been IN love with people... does that make sense? It does to me.

Do I want to fall in love? Sure, why not. But I'm no longer in any rush to do so. I've seen some of my friends fall in love, and to be quite honest, it's utterly pathetic. Sure, sweet, endearing, even romantic: But oh so pathetic. And I'm not quite ready to set my dignity aside like that.

I want waffles.

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