Sunday, December 27, 2009

Things are good today. I almost overslept, but things are good. I didn't have time to shave this morning, though. I did wash my hair, but didn't comb it before it dried, so it's very wild and untamed. I need a haircut. I got into some trouble the other day. I called someone a fag, and got a whole lecture about gay acceptance. I didn't mean gay, or even a gay slur. I thing most people don't when they say it. I think a fag, really, is just any individual who is a douche, a prick, a dick, a buttmuncher, a punk. A fag. A fag is the guy who cuts you off in traffic for no apparent or trivial reason. A fag is the guy at the buffet who knows you want the last chicken leg, and he takes it, despite already having four on his plate. A fag is someone way more powerful who repeatedly kills you on warcraft. A fag can be gay, just as much as a fag can be straight, bi, or whatever the hell. In fact, if you were to do a survey, most fags would be straight males, usually mid twenties to late thirties. They drive the oversized needlessly loud trucks. And they keep driving by the same spots. Just so you hear them. Fags.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I haven't written anything with substance in awhile. Partly because I'm working my butt off and I'm too tired to rant normally. I haven't been feeling well lately. I feel slow and heavy, often dizzy. My body aches, any my head randomly seems to flare up with pain. It's hazy. Like, hard to focus. Usually the haze comes just before I'm bombarded with severe drowsiness, or dizziness. I'm finding it difficult to keep my balance as well.
Downside to opening at 4 30 am, besides the obvious? No matter how ill you feel, no one is awake to call in to.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

There Will Be Brawl

Nuff said. Vote for it in other categories too, while you're there.

Oh, hell, Go there. See the series. You'll be glad you did.

Monday, December 14, 2009

So many people claim to love me. Why do I feel so alone?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tired. Sore. Worn. Kicking ass. Yeah, I'm that good.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Keisha is going to punch me in the eye. Oh lord help me. Ow!

Living La Vida Loca

To say life has been kinda crazy lately is barely doing it justice, but yeah, life has been a bit crazy. But, to help clarify for all of you people where I am at in my life...

Work - Work is going pretty darn well, actually. Just yesterday we got a great review from a consultant the company hired on to do a quality check on the stores. Ours was in the top three. Rock on.

Living - Still living with my parents, but in the process of saving up and moving out into an apartment. Still exploring the possibility of a room-mate, so any takers? Lemme know.

Love - Dating Akisha McIntosh. Yes, we had some moments, mostly my fault because I'm a goober, but things are going well. Hands down, she's the best girlfriend I've ever had - It's not just words and fluff with her, she shows a genuine care and respect for me, and I do my very best to return mutual feelings her way. We have our doubts at times, sure, any relationship does - But at the end of the day, I can truly say, I'm very glad she's a part of my life. :) You're the bomb, Keesha, if yer reading this.

Friends - Jason is still a buttmunch, but hey, that's why I love him (Jason, if you're reading this, I hope you get ganked like 40 times today you PoS). Scott has been lost to the booze and Borderlands (he works with booze, FYI). Sabrina went out of the country and came back as a dominatrix. Ok, that's not true at all, she's just as freaking weird as before. God bless you, Sabbit. Randy is going through some stuff, but he's a tough guy and a good one at that, so I know he'll pull through - He's engaged, too! Go buddy! Haven't heard from The Floyd (Will, that is) in awhile, but last I heard he was doing great, which is good. Jonathan "The Sanders" Wood is still doing great, although he spends too much time playing FarmVille. He worries me.

Family - Family is fine. Kaitlyn just turned 16. There is fear all around.

That's about it for the update today. Time for me to bounce...

Oh, and Assassin's Creed 2 is the best game out for Xbox right now. The end.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Women are very nasty around each other. I don't like it. Going to stick to gaming with my bros. It's easier fighting dragons.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Time for a long overdue update. I haven't been posting much because I've been busy. And not just with work, either. While work does take up a large portion of my time, almost forty hours a week, the rest of it has been spent on four, technically three, other activities. First and foremost, for those of you unaware, I'm no longer single. I am dating a wonderful woman named Akisha, and have been spending quite a bit of time with her. Which is why thing two is still technically thing one still: playing a lot of warcraft. Akisha plays too, and we play together, which is really just more time spent together. Item three is my homebrew pen and paper game. Not going into details now, but it's good. Real good. Object four is a game called League of Legends. Yes, LoL. It's free to play and insanely fun, but it doesn't run on a mac. So, get a PC, fanboys. Also, I'd like to state the following... Matt Lauer can SUCK IT!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


I don't really know how I feel these days. On the one hand, I'm the happiest I've been in ages. On the other, I'm in a place where everything is very new and uncharted for me, and to be honest, it's a little bit overwhelming. Fear mingles with my happiness, creating a strange blend of feelings that I just don't know how to deal with, much less describe.

I don't want anyone to get hurt through all this, I want to do the right thing, so I'm trying to watch this feeling very carefully. I have a great thing going here, and I don't want to botch it up because the cowardly side of me fears the difficult road ahead and wants to bail. If every man gave up when things started to look a bit rough, the world would be in a very sorry state.

Just writing this down feels very therapeutic and I feel a bit better already. I wish things were a little bit more simple, but they're not, and they're not going to get any simpler while I'm on this road. So I guess I just have to crank up the ol' problem solver and muscle through the complexity - because often times, it's after the complex puzzles, not the simple ones, we find a truly beautiful picture - and a feeling of satisfaction.

That being said, I'm hungry and getting ready for work. I think we have waffles today. :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Turns out I am too chubby for my armor. This angers me. I shall have to smite a peon with my cardboard club.
Working on a breastplate now.
I made a gauntlet out of cardboard. Oh, yeah, we're slow here at work.

Monday, October 26, 2009

It's funny, really. When life is boring, we want more excitement. But when It's exciting and moving fast, we want it to slow down so we can catch our breath. A part of me wants it to slow down, but another part of me accepts the breakneck speeds and thrives in it. I find I am as much a mystery to myself as I am to others.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I don't feel so good today. My entire body aches and I feel like I'm fighting just to stand up. I'm exhausted. My eyelids feel like lead. I want to hide in a corner and sleep, but I also want to do a good job. I feel ill. I have to push on, I want and need the money, but... No, I'm going to do this!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's amazing what life can be when you just decide to pursue what you desperately want. I thought for a long time I wanted to be a part of something bigger than me. Specifically on WarCraft, I wanted to be part of a guild that got shit done. But I always had problems with how things were done. Inside of me, a leader dwelled and wished to emerge and take charge. To lead my faction, the Alliance, to dominance. I may never be the best. I don't really want to be the best. But I want to give my team a chance to be the best. Leadership is about sacrifice. If I have to fall so they can fly, so be it. Angels Fall First.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This Friday is going to be intense. Very intense. Quite possibly, it could be life changing. Stay tuned.

Monday, October 5, 2009

I am so excited. For one, i get to run my own shift on Thursday! And two, I got invited to an extremely awesome gaming related event on Friday. Great stuff.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What have I done to be so blessed? I have great old friends, such as Jason, Jon, Will, and even that crazy girl Sabrina from New Jersey. Some great familiar friends I've known for a short while now, like Scott, Randy, Brian, and Keesha. And then great new friends like Heather and Moira. Piece by piece, my life is coming together, and the burdens and hurdles of life don't seem so overwhelming. God, you're a mystery... And I love You just that way. Amen.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My second four thirty shift. Going well. WoW is getting really fun again. Rolled a new human warrior on Arthas, Benjiman, along with some of my friends. Moira, a friend of mine I've recently made, has been especially cool. It's rare these days for someone I've never met in person to make of smile genuinely. Well, back to work.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Quick update before my break ends and I go back and finish my shift. Today, at seven fifty two AM, according to a source I'm still getting validation from, out of all the United States, Georgia had more honor kills on WarCraft in a twenty four hour period than any other state this year. Sweet.
Started work at four thirty today. Earliest I've been awake in ages. Felt good. Woke up naturally at about two fifty seven. Went to bed around nine. Arrived at work before anyone else. Felt accomplished. Life is going well. :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Have you ever been doing something totally mundane when suddenly you're hit with an epiphany? There I was, doing inventory, when an absolutely brilliant idea hit me. What is that idea, you ask? You shall see. Hot Damn I'm excited.
Working a ten hour day today. Damn. Good money, though. Going to be the norm soon. Forty hours a week, four days a week. Four ten hour days, for those of you who hate math. My life has been really looking up lately, and It's weird that I can pinpoint the day I had that turn around. Amazing what letting go of people who are only a drag will do to you. Did you know it's easier to run free when you're not pulling someone along? Go figure. Anyway, back to work. Go play WoW guys. Share in my fantasy world. :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I am a genius. I drag myself out of my warm bed and get ready for work. I step out into the frigid air and bitterly drive to work. I arrived. I was not scheduled today. They gave me a free biscuit out of sympathy. At least I wasn't late.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Altanta lived up to its namesake. Atlantis. Lots of flooding. Like, lots. Was insane. Jason was without internet. Might still be. Work is going very well. Doing the drivethru today, catching on fast. Like riding a bike. Today is payday. I'm happy. God knows I need the money. God also knows where Jimmy Haffa is buried, where Waldo is, and what women are thinking. That, my friends, is an awesome God.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I feel frustrated tonight. Damn. Moving on, I helped a friend out today. Was cool. Still rainy. Schools are closed and stuff. Flooding.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Something is happening...

Liked how Clockwork Crisis was going? Yes, I'll wrap it up sometime soon...

But if you've read it, you know how it ends already - Geppito is caught and punished for his "crimes." But what happens next?

Well, there's been some strange activity over on SOLOMON, the super-computer database that Geppito once used and manipulated to control all the world's clockworks and cause the Clockwork Crisis...

Check it out.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

About to do a catering delivery for my job. Fun stuff. You guys said you like my creative writing, so I've got a treat for you soon, especially if you were a fan of Clockwork Crisis. Also, do you like comics? How about well drawn comics with no stick figures? Be prepared, one is coming... And it is relevant to your interests. So more creative writing and a comic are on the way. Anything else? Yes. Yes there is. Stay tuned. Now go dance or be productive or whatever it is you kids do these days. I've work to do.

Friday, September 18, 2009



They won't.

Shut your dirty pie-hole, you failure at reality, you.

This is why you don't have a girlfriend.

I always thought it was because I can quote the entire dialog of the first five quests in World of Warcraft.

...Someone else, please, let me come live in your mind! GET ME OUT OF HERE!

PROTIP: Click the picture to see the whole thing.

I have a picture for you, too, Ben.

Oh? What is it? Is it cool? Is it a picture of waffles? I like waffles.

...You're an asshole.
Two more hours of work. Making the Benjamins. Cool stuff. None of you are a follower yet, so become one all ready. Right side of the page. All the cool people want to do it but they don't because they're afraid of being compared to me. So be fearless. I really need more productive hobbies.

No Waffles...

You know what sucks?

Vacuums? Kirby?

Waking up, craving waffles, and not having any. No waffles. None.

If that's your idea of sucks...

Shut up. Anyway, it's raining AGAIN today. Haven't seen the sun in almost a week. Vampires are going to start getting bold here soon, and we're going to have problems on our hands.

Hey, maybe the vampires will be friendly?

Yeah, and maybe Welfare will actually work as intended.

You, sir, are a jaded individual.

I'm more of a sapphire kinda guy. Anyway, about to work again (Just a 9-2 today). Job is going really well. I really like my boss and co-workers. I also really like the food.

Of course you do, fatty!

For a figment of my imagination, you really are an asshat, you know that?

YOU made me this way!

Touche'. So, do you know what Harry Potter and I have in common?

Nerdy Glasses? Social Ineptitude? Bad grades?


Thursday, September 17, 2009

District 9 'n Stuff

Dad and I saw District 9 last night. Pretty damn good movie. Had aliens 'n stuff. Faces melted. For real.

Thanks to my good friend and mentor, Mike Spessard, I was finally able to make the decision to cut some dead weight out of my life. A "friend" of mine has become extremely delussional, and has become only a drain on my time and resources - After almost three years, he hasn't changed, and no amount of care and advice has helped. Cutting my loses and moving on, and damn it feels good.

Here's to you Anthony. Wish I could say you'd be missed, but, you won't.

TRIVIA: The blog name, "Ben Says Oro" is taking from Kenshin. Kenshin often makes the sound "Oro", which is the Japanese version of "Huh"

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hello my less than faithful readers. Today you're in for a treat. A story for your laughs and enjoyment. The story of how Ben got kicked out of a convenience store. Hint, it involves rubber bands. Maybe I'll upload some art I drew later, too.

Better Late Than Uncomfortably Early

Hung out with two of my good friends yesterday. Fun times were had. I realized I had a baby fetish (long story). Not a sexual fetish of course, mind you. But like, here, examples.

"Scribblenauts is awesome, because you can throw babies!"

"I beat that tool like a drunken father beats a baby!"

"I eat babies!"

"The elephant ate my baby!"

... Babies.

And now, I bring you a video.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Online Gameplay

This, pretty much, right here, sums up how I feel when I play games online with other people. VIDEO CONTAINS SWEARING, NSFW

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Finishing up lunch at taco bell. There was a pretty cute girl here earlier. We made eye contact, I did not smile. I let the contact linger for a moment before boredly looking away. Caught her looking at me several times after. She was quick to look at the floor when I did. The floor is not interesting, I checked, so I think she was checking me out. Her friend looked at me several times to. Their talking got very quiet after I caught her looking at me. A giggle or two. I don't understand women.

Review - 9

Weird. Absolutely freaking weird. A bit cool, but also kinda hard to follow. It moves very fast, plotwise, and takes no time to stop and let you digest or keep up. It also twists and plot changes very rapidly. There are a couple of "LOL" moments, but for the most part it's a pretty dark, gloomy story. The ending is also very weird, and if you're not paying very close attention, it will make no sense to you.

I give "9" 4 stars. It's very well animated and the concept is freaking awesome, the execution is just a little wobbly.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Going to see 9. Woo!
Just got done doing a lot of Alterac Valley with Jason on WoW. Won two, lost two. The second one that we won was freaking epic. He kept me alive while I tore like five Horde to shreds. Wish I had Game Cam on at the time. I'm going to make a video soon. Maybe an AMV. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
Victory is mine this day. I found a gold dollar in my wallet. I have mac and cheese. Not a lot, but I'm not dying today. While I hate alterac valley, I do love me some arathi basin. Stepped in with a fellow rogue last night and took charge. Won two, lost two. One loss was by ten points. Turns out the Alliance will listen to a rogue who keeps the Horde running. My friend sabby thinks I should stop being such a gentleman and start playing hard to get. Time to dust off the leather jacket and the indifferent looks. And hey you lazy bums, sign up and become a follower. There is something in it for you. :)

Friday, September 11, 2009


Break. Starving again. No money for food, won't have any for three weeks. Chicken smells good. I can make horse noises with my mouth. :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

9/10/2009 Video Wrap Up - I Don't Wanna Be In Love

I've decided to wrap up every day that I post with a video of some sort.

Here's today's video!

Naruto AMV - I Don't Wanna Be In Love
(Good Charlotte)

I guess I should explain I'm not feeling bitter or emo, it's just a catchy song and it drives my point home: I don't want to be in love, right now. I'm getting my life together and truly enjoying it for the first time in ages. Loves, blissful though it may be, would seriously complicate the smoothness of the transactions I'm going through.

The song is also hella catchy. I'd totally /dance to this. Behind closed doors. Online.


On break. Hungry. Can't afford lunch again. I'm a mess. Covered in chicken breading. Looks like I murdered the pilsbury dough boy.


I have to be at work in 30 minutes, so I'll be leaving in about 10 to 15. Thought I'd say something on here before I scoot off to the grind.

Love. It's a popular topic, because everyone has some interest in it one way or another. People talk about it in both extremes: To outright doubting its true existence to falling in love every two seconds. I had a revelation last night regarding myself and this mystical four letter word.

I have never been in love. I have loved, and I do love, but I have never been IN love. I've lusted, and I've been caught up in the moment, but I have never found myself feeling like I could and would to anything for another person, that that person was my missing puzzle piece. Or however being in love feels. Butterflies? Whatever, haven't felt it...

I've said "I Love You" and meant it, because I have loved people, but I've never been IN love with people... does that make sense? It does to me.

Do I want to fall in love? Sure, why not. But I'm no longer in any rush to do so. I've seen some of my friends fall in love, and to be quite honest, it's utterly pathetic. Sure, sweet, endearing, even romantic: But oh so pathetic. And I'm not quite ready to set my dignity aside like that.

I want waffles.