Sunday, December 27, 2009

Things are good today. I almost overslept, but things are good. I didn't have time to shave this morning, though. I did wash my hair, but didn't comb it before it dried, so it's very wild and untamed. I need a haircut. I got into some trouble the other day. I called someone a fag, and got a whole lecture about gay acceptance. I didn't mean gay, or even a gay slur. I thing most people don't when they say it. I think a fag, really, is just any individual who is a douche, a prick, a dick, a buttmuncher, a punk. A fag. A fag is the guy who cuts you off in traffic for no apparent or trivial reason. A fag is the guy at the buffet who knows you want the last chicken leg, and he takes it, despite already having four on his plate. A fag is someone way more powerful who repeatedly kills you on warcraft. A fag can be gay, just as much as a fag can be straight, bi, or whatever the hell. In fact, if you were to do a survey, most fags would be straight males, usually mid twenties to late thirties. They drive the oversized needlessly loud trucks. And they keep driving by the same spots. Just so you hear them. Fags.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I haven't written anything with substance in awhile. Partly because I'm working my butt off and I'm too tired to rant normally. I haven't been feeling well lately. I feel slow and heavy, often dizzy. My body aches, any my head randomly seems to flare up with pain. It's hazy. Like, hard to focus. Usually the haze comes just before I'm bombarded with severe drowsiness, or dizziness. I'm finding it difficult to keep my balance as well.
Downside to opening at 4 30 am, besides the obvious? No matter how ill you feel, no one is awake to call in to.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

There Will Be Brawl

Nuff said. Vote for it in other categories too, while you're there.

Oh, hell, Go there. See the series. You'll be glad you did.

Monday, December 14, 2009

So many people claim to love me. Why do I feel so alone?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tired. Sore. Worn. Kicking ass. Yeah, I'm that good.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Keisha is going to punch me in the eye. Oh lord help me. Ow!

Living La Vida Loca

To say life has been kinda crazy lately is barely doing it justice, but yeah, life has been a bit crazy. But, to help clarify for all of you people where I am at in my life...

Work - Work is going pretty darn well, actually. Just yesterday we got a great review from a consultant the company hired on to do a quality check on the stores. Ours was in the top three. Rock on.

Living - Still living with my parents, but in the process of saving up and moving out into an apartment. Still exploring the possibility of a room-mate, so any takers? Lemme know.

Love - Dating Akisha McIntosh. Yes, we had some moments, mostly my fault because I'm a goober, but things are going well. Hands down, she's the best girlfriend I've ever had - It's not just words and fluff with her, she shows a genuine care and respect for me, and I do my very best to return mutual feelings her way. We have our doubts at times, sure, any relationship does - But at the end of the day, I can truly say, I'm very glad she's a part of my life. :) You're the bomb, Keesha, if yer reading this.

Friends - Jason is still a buttmunch, but hey, that's why I love him (Jason, if you're reading this, I hope you get ganked like 40 times today you PoS). Scott has been lost to the booze and Borderlands (he works with booze, FYI). Sabrina went out of the country and came back as a dominatrix. Ok, that's not true at all, she's just as freaking weird as before. God bless you, Sabbit. Randy is going through some stuff, but he's a tough guy and a good one at that, so I know he'll pull through - He's engaged, too! Go buddy! Haven't heard from The Floyd (Will, that is) in awhile, but last I heard he was doing great, which is good. Jonathan "The Sanders" Wood is still doing great, although he spends too much time playing FarmVille. He worries me.

Family - Family is fine. Kaitlyn just turned 16. There is fear all around.

That's about it for the update today. Time for me to bounce...

Oh, and Assassin's Creed 2 is the best game out for Xbox right now. The end.