Sunday, November 14, 2010

I'm thinking of joining a Big Brothers Big Sisters program. Any thoughts?
I'm currently in the backseat of my friend's car and my mind is racing. For a moment, I did wonder if I was making the right choices. Now I have no doubt that this is the path I must take. Though I know mostly hardship awaits, I can see the beauty of my life starting to ignite from more of a spark. There is nothing fake here, nothing put forward to appease others. This is Ben. This is Raw. I an thankful for my friends and support, and I hope they all stick with me and are patient with me as I do what I must - chase a dream. Writing is what I know, understand, and love. I've wanted to write a book for forever. So I'm finishing it. I'm doing it. No fear of failure. No fear of rejection. No fear.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I wonder, at times, if I'm wasting my time chasing my dream. I can't seem to take off. Or even fuel up. However you want to word it. I tried listening to other people. To do it their way. But I have fallen short. Is this it? Is this the time to go all in, balls to the wall, and chase it with a fervor I have yet to ever show? I am weary... God, help me press on one more time. I can make it. I have to.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Here's the painful truth. I woke up today thinking everything was going to be ok. Everything was getting better. But in reality, i can only do so much... And again, I have fallen short.


I'm going on a new adventure in my life. Will try to keep this as up to date as possible...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I ain't got no hope or dreams, got nothing but the road ahead of me. By and by the same ol faces, same ok shit, the same ol faces. I'm pacing circles now, moon's orbit to me, identical... Most cynics try to be romantic, I'm a romantic trying to be cynical. Play a song that haunts the soul alone in a room with just a harmonica. Low and blue we know its true a hero never truly lives. That is until he falls, until he dies then he's a martyr... I am not so noble, so I shall gun them first. Here we go once more into the breach, viva la vida. I wonder if she ever thinks of me. By the fire, sing a song, tell the world my story... But the world's the only girl whose embrace is meant for me. When I fall, I beg you, bury me under that tree. Oh when I die, my darling, let my soul roam free.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I don't know what to do now. Anyone want a German Shepherd puppy?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Where once we stood proud and declared our names, sought our fortunes and our fames... Where once we stood with banners high, tamed the earth and taunted the sky... Where once we shone much like the sun, shining armor of battles won... Where once we treaded these lands so brave, we the master, fate the slave... Now we sit in misery... How fate mocks us this irony... But all is not lost because, you see... The essence of the Living God thrives in... Me...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Taking a dump is the act of taking a time out to think or text in which your ass attempts to participate too.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

There was, at one time in my life, a time where I had my entire life planned. I was going to graduate high school, go to college for four years, get married afterwards, and live happily ever after, to paint it in broad strokes. Well, high school happened... The rest hasn't. But I'm not sad nor bitter: plans don't always entail the best options. Sometimes the best plan is to simply not have one, or to use someone else's. God's Plan is always an excellent choice.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I'm not at home. I'm done just riding each swell of the wave everyday. Sink or swim, I'm jumping into the water to make my own way in this life, regardless of what the people still on the boat say I should do. There are mixed feelings. On the one hand, people are hurt and I no longer feel like I have a home. No, I've had a house for a long time, but it hasn't felt like home in a long while. Because it isn't my home. It is the home of my father, and I am not my father. My father's rules are not my rules, my father's life is not my life. I am myself, my own person, a man in my own right. I'm not scared. A little nervous lately, but as I step out into the cold grey world, I come to find I am not alone, to be left twisting as a leaf in the wind. No, friends emerge from the mists to my aid, comforting me and offering me support: in multiple ways. Some offer words of encouragement. Others offer minor financial assistance. Still others have opened their homes to me. Now, in this time of having no place to call home, finally... It feels like home. Maybe home isn't so much as a place, so much as a state of being. :) I am at peace.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I feel severely sleep deprived. I think I might actually spend time leveling my Death Knight today. Why? Well, I love my Rogue, but really only in PvP. My Paladin is good, but Brian is a Paladin and I don't like to be two of the same. Hence why I tire of my Warrior as well. But I want to Tank in PvE. So that leaves me with Druid and Death Knight. I hate druid, so... Logic Wins.